Last Friday was Aaron's birthday!! Audrey and I spent the whole day doing little things to show Daddy how much we love him. That morning we went to the store to pick up a few more things that we needed in order to complete our projects for the day. When we got home, Audrey and I spent a little time signing cards for Daddy. It is so funny watching Audrey scribble out what she wants to say. At one point I asked her what she wanted to say to Daddy on his birthday. Guess what her response was? "Cupcakes!!" Then I asked her what else she wanted Mommy to write to Daddy and she put her arms out as far as they can reach and said, "Awwwwww, much!!" Which she does when we ask her how much she loves us. How cute is that? After signing the cards for Daddy, together we made some very yummy cupcakes. When Audrey got up from her nap that afternoon, we worked on a special art project, just for Daddy. She painted a very pretty picture and then placed her hand print on it as the finishing touch. When we were at the art store, she picked out the two different colors of purple...her favorite color, of course. That night we met Daddy for dinner, and Audrey gave Aaron a balloon with his favorite candy bar tied at the bottom. Finally, when we got home from dinner, we sang "Happy Birthday to Daddy!" The perfect ending to a perfect day. Happy Birthday, Daddy!! We love you, awwwwwwww much...more than you will ever know! xoxoxoxoxo

Audrey mixing the batter all by herself!

Just a taste to see if it's yummy.

Cleaning up.

Look at the determination on her face!

Decorating Daddy's cupcakes. Notice all the sprinkles that didn't make it to the cupcake.

Audrey's finished art project for Daddy's birthday present.

Audrey and Daddy at dinner.

"Happy Birthday to Daddy!!"
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