Last Sunday, Audrey and I took the trip up to Sierra Summit with Aaron to watch him snowboard and to play in the snow a little bit. The weather was absolutely perfect!!! We didn't have to wear many layers at all. In fact all I had on was a long sleeved shirt and a pair of snow pants. It was the perfect day to play with Audrey in the snow. As soon as we got there, Daddy quickly went to get a couple of runs in while Audrey and I walked around and watched the people around us. She, once again, spent most of her time eating the snow. When Daddy returned, we took Audrey sledding a few times before eating lunch. Aaron went off to snowboard some more, and I watched Audrey throw snow balls with some kids who were playing close by. By 2:00pm, we were headed down the mountain and Audrey was sound asleep in the back seat. What a fun day we had with Daddy, and I know he enjoyed it too!!

Audrey rode in the wagon along with all the other stuff we packed for the day.

Audrey and Mommy

Audrey and Daddy, before Daddy went snowboarding.

Audrey watching Daddy ride the lift up the hill. Check her out with her hands tucked in her tiny pockets.

Sledding all by herself was so much fun!

Trying on Daddy's snowboarding gear.
How funny, we were up there Sunday too- what a gorgeous day it was indeed!