Madison is 10 months old and "army crawling" faster than she was last month, but not up on her knees yet. Now that she is mobile, her small space in the living room has expanded to the kitchen, hallways, and bedrooms. She has learned that opening and closing doors and drawers can be lots of fun. And since she has learned to move quickly across the floor on her tummy, she loves to chase Audrey around the house, squealing with delight as she goes. For the few minutes that Madison takes a break from crawling and sits still in our lap, we read a couple of her touch-and-feel books or play with one of her musical toys. But really she finds the most joy in watching, playing with, or loving on her big sister.

Audrey holds such a special place in Madison's heart. If Audrey leaves the room, Madison immediately looks around, frantically searching for her best friend. As soon as Audrey returns, Madison's face lights up with a smile. The love these two girls share is very apparent and genuine, it's a strong bond that we pray will never be broken.
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