Big Hat Days is always an enjoyable event, especially when the weather is as nice as it was this year. We walked up and down the street, checking out all of the unique crafts that were being sold. Every once in awhile Aaron and I would come to a booth selling something very odd, look at each other and question, really? There is definitely something for everyone there...seriously!

Audrey all ready for Big Hat Days...the shades were a must! : )

The one ride that we allowed Audrey to go on was the "horseys". It was a little dinky and there wasn't any type of strap or buckle to keep Audrey on the horse, but she really liked it.

Notice the grip that Aaron has on Audrey's belt loop.

One of the best parts about Big Hat Days is the food. Audrey ate her entire corn dog, "dip" (ketchup) and all. On the way out, we grabbed a purple snow cone. It had to be purple, because as Audrey tells us all the time, "Purple my tolor(color)!"

That afternoon, Audrey had a hard time going down for a nap, so Daddy said that he would "yay" (lay) with her. When I went in to check on the two of them, this is what I saw. Both of them, OUT!!
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